Why join BWC?
Many reasons! If you love to sing and enjoy harmonizing with others, this chorus is a wonderful experience. Our choral director is a professional singer and voice teacher; rehearsals often include real-life voice lessons and helpful tips. If you enjoy performing and entertaining audiences, this is your chance! About 15 times per year, we put on our costumes and makeup and take the stage for 50-minute shows. We are rewarded by applause (and occasional standing ovations!), compliments, smiles and the satisfaction of bringing joy to our audiences. Another reward just might be acquiring a group of 35-40 new best friends. The shared experiences of learning, rehearsing, and performing together encourages a genuine bonding and camaraderie among our members.

Broward Woman’s Chorus – December 17, 2023 at Sunshine Cathedral in Ft Lauderdale. Photo by Candace West.
I love to sing! How do I join BWC?
Start by visiting a rehearsal and sing with us. If you decide to join, you’ll fill out a membership information form. You’ll sing a little bit for the choral director so she can place you in one of four sections, first soprano, second soprano, first alto or second alto.
Are there any qualifications for becoming a member?
Prior choral experience is helpful but not required. More important are a love of singing and the ability to follow directions, carry a tune and concentrate on your part while others are singing different parts. The ability to read music (at least a rudimentary knowledge) is preferred.
Does membership cost anything?
As a non-profit organization, the Broward Women’s Chorus Inc. appreciates tax deductible donations in support of the costs of performing. Members are requested to donate $150 per year to help cover the costs of rehearsals, performances, and practice CDs.
What if I can’t afford it?
Confidential scholarships are available in cases of hardship, just between you and our treasurer.
What is the time commitment of members?
Member’s commit to participate in weekly Wednesday morning rehearsals as well as all performances that they can possibly attend. There are typically five or six holiday performances in December and approximately eight in the spring, primarily March and April. Performances may be daytime or evening, weekday or weekend.
Members are expected to familiarize themselves with the music on their own. To help members learn their assigned music outside rehearsals, our choral director records each part (soprano 1 and 2, alto 1 and 2) of each song separately and these recordings are provided to members.
As a volunteer organization, BWC provides leadership opportunities for those who want to get more involved on our board of directors and committees.
I am a snowbird. What if I am here only part of the year?
That’s fine! Several of our members are seasonal. They sing with us for the months they are in town.